Friday, August 16, 2013

Bitterzoet Magazine [Op. 47]

It's been too long since my last update, I know. I really should take the plunge and put up the 50 dollars it takes to get a year's subscription to Duotrope. I had this idea of getting paid for my work first. I haven't netted a red cent from my efforts. Not that I mind too much, though. Nobody ever went into poetry saying, "That's where the money is! I'll be a millionaire!" Anyhoo, I've been published in Bitterzoet Magazine. It's a poem that I am indeed very proud of entitled "Caesar's Embarrassment: A Double-Dactyl." I was very proud of all the poems I sent to the magazine, but this one just seemed like it was going to get picked up quickly. It had that je ne sais quois about it.

Word on the street about my first book is that it may drop before my birthday (18 October) this year and if it does I will definitely be feeling celebratory. I don't know why but 27 just seems like a good age to debut. I look forward to seeing what happens with it. I will, of course, update as updates come.